
Kapoor Tulsi / Holy Basil

Kapoor Tulsi (Ocimum basilicum) is a compact, green leaved holy basil native throughout subtropical and tropical Asian geographies. Kapoor produces sweet tasting foliage ideal for making tea; it’s the most frequently grown of the holy basil types, and is easy to grow and works well in container gardens.

Seeds are certified organic.

Size: Packet: 200 seeds (0.15 gram), OG

Kapoor Tulsi (Ocimum basilicum) is a compact, green leaved holy basil native throughout subtropical and tropical Asian geographies. Kapoor produces sweet tasting foliage ideal for making tea; it’s the most frequently grown of the holy basil types, and is easy to grow and works well in container gardens.

Plants grow up to two feet tall and are typically grown as annuals in most temperate climates, but the perennial nature of the plant means it can overwinter in warmer winter climates (Zone 10).

Seeds are certified organic.

(Quin's note, January 2024: Some fellow seed savers have taken to scientifically classify this plant as "Ocimum africanum" - I do not believe this is accurate. Ocimum africanum is a hybridized cross that's essentially a Lemon Basil. I have found no scientific literature that backs up the association of Kapoor Holy Basil with the scientific name Ocimum africanum. For the time being, I will stick with this as being a cultivar of common basil Ocimum basilicum with its market association as a Holy Basil. And I will remain open to alternate interpretations.)

Plants grow up to two feet tall and are typically grown as annuals in most temperate climates, but the perennial nature of the plant means it can overwinter in warmer winter climates (Zone 10).

Common Name:
Kapoor Holy Basil / Tulsi
Scientific Name:
Ocimum basilicum
Sweet tasting foliage used for making tea. The most commonly grown holy basil-ideal for container plantings.
Plant Lifespan:
Cold Hardiness (F):
Zone 9b (25 to 30)
Light Requirements:
Full Sun (min. 6 hours a day)
Seed In:
Mid Spring (Apr 21 - May 20), Late Spring (May 21 - Jun 20), Early Summer (Jun 21 - Jul 20), and Mid Summer (Jul 21 - Aug 20)
Seeding Depth:
1/16 in.
Days to Sprout:
Optimal Soil Temperature (F):
Plant Spacing:
18-36 in.
Plant Height:
2 ft.
Average Days from Seed to Harvest:

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