
Hulless Oat

Just what is says: an oat (Avena nuda) that is hulless. Ideal for growing if you want to produce a crop for eating!

Seeds are certified organic.

Size: Packet: 275 seeds (7.5 grams), OG

Just what is says: an oat (Avena nuda) that is hulless. Ideal for growing if you want to produce a crop for eating!

Seeds are certified organic.

Common Name:
Hulless Oat
Scientific Name:
Avena nuda
Grains are free of hulls; the easiest type to grow for home grain production. Also used as a cover crop.
Plant Lifespan:
Cold Hardiness (F):
Zone 9b (25 to 30)
Light Requirements:
Full Sun (min. 6 hours a day)
Seed In:
Spring, Fall
Seeding Depth:
1/2 in.
Days to Sprout:
Optimal Soil Temperature (F):
Plant Spacing:
18-24 in.
Plant Height:
4 ft.
Average Days from Seed to Harvest:

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