
Crop Planting Calendars

Our planting calendars are designed to aid your planting and planning decisions for every crop in our catalog. Our growing recommendations are generalized for the majority of Western Hemisphere growing zones and include recommendations for when seeds should be started indoors, outdoors, or are ideal for containers/small urban growing spaces. While general in gudience, they are experientially grounded in Plant Hardiness Zone 9B.

Spring/Summer Planting Guide

Also available as a downloadable/printable PDF. This planting calendar provides information for when most common winter crops can be seeded.

Spring-Summer 2020 Planting Calendar

Winter Planting Guide

Also available as a downloadable/printable PDF. This planting calendar provides information for when most common winter crops can be seeded. It complements Grow by Season Winter Crops Collection.

Winter Planting Calendar Southern California

Fall Planting Guide: This planting calendar is designed to provide planting information for the most common fall crops, and is also available in downloadable/printable PDF format. Also check out our Fall Gardening Primer.

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