
White Dandelion (Taraxacum albidum)

This dandelion species (Taraxacum albidium) is native to Southern Japan, and resembles the "Common" dandelion feature-for-feature save for the creamy white blossom where in place of the yellow one. A must-have for the dandelion geek, but also imminently practical. We harvested the greens for our farm's community agriculture shares and dried the remaining foliage to use for tea at the end of the season. The roots flavor and taste (bitter!) seems indistinguishable from Taraxacum officinale.

Size: Packet: 25 seeds (0.03 gram)

This dandelion species (Taraxacum albidium) is native to Southern Japan, and resembles the "Common" dandelion feature-for-feature save for the creamy white blossom where in place of the yellow one. A must-have for the dandelion geek, but also imminently practical. We harvested the greens for our farm's community agriculture shares and dried the remaining foliage to use for tea at the end of the season. The roots flavor and taste (bitter!) seems indistinguishable from Taraxacum officinale.

Common Name:
White Dandelion
Scientific Name:
Taraxacum albidum
A white-flowered species of dandelion native to Japan. Distinctively bitter edible foliage.
Plant Lifespan:
Cold Hardiness (F):
Zone 2b (-45 to -40)
Light Requirements:
Full Sun (min. 6 hours a day)
Seed In:
Early Spring
Seeding Depth:
1/16 in.
Days to Sprout:
Optimal Soil Temperature (F):
Plant Spacing:
8-20 in.
Plant Height:
1 ft.
Average Days from Seed to Harvest:

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