
Ivan's Cat Grass

If you observe cats roaming in the great outdoors, chances are you will occasionally find them munching on grasses. "Cat Grass" is actually a catch-all for any number of domesticated grain grasses, which cats typically munch on well before their seeding stage. Of course, each cat has their own idiosyncratic preferences, but in the absence of any wild grasses, our cat grass blend works wonders. Our blend is named after our Maine Coon Ivan, who readily munches on this whenever we plant it. It's equal parts barley (Hordeum vulgare), oat (Avena sativa), rye (Secale cereal) and wheat (Triticum aestivum). Plant densely in contained areas wherever cats are likely to discover it.

25 days from seed to cat-snackable foliage. Annual.

Seeds are certified organic.

Size: Packet: 300 seeds (8.5 grams), OG

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If you observe cats roaming in the great outdoors, chances are you will occasionally find them munching on grasses. "Cat Grass" is actually a catch-all for any number of domesticated grain grasses, which cats typically munch on well before their seeding stage. Of course, each cat has their own idiosyncratic preferences, but in the absence of any wild grasses, our cat grass blend works wonders. Our blend is named after our Maine Coon Ivan, who readily munches on this whenever we plant it. It's equal parts barley (Hordeum vulgare), oat (Avena sativa), rye (Secale cereal) and wheat (Triticum aestivum). Plant densely in contained areas wherever cats are likely to discover it.

25 days from seed to cat-snackable foliage. Annual.
Seeds are certified organic.

Common Name:
Ivan’s Cat Grass
Scientific Name:
Hordeum vulgare, Avena sativa, Secale cereale, and Triticum aestivum
A blend of barley, oat, rye, and wheat grasses beneficial for cat digestion.
Plant Lifespan:
Cold Hardiness (F):
Zone 8b (15 to 20)
Light Requirements:
Full Sun (min. 6 hours a day)
Seed In:
Early Winter (Dec 21 - Jan 20), Mid Winter (Jan 21 - Feb 20), Late Winter (Feb 21 - Mar 20), Early Spring (Mar 21 - Apr 20), Mid Spring (Apr 21 - May 20), Late Spring (May 21 - Jun 20), Early Summer (Jun 21 - Jul 20), Mid Summer (Jul 21 - Aug 20), Late Summer (Aug 21 - Sep 21), Early Fall (Sep 22 - Oct 21), Mid Fall (Oct 22 - Nov 21), and Late Fall (Nov 22 - Dec 20)
Seeding Depth:
1/2 in.
Days to Sprout:
Optimal Soil Temperature (F):
Plant Spacing:
Plant Height:
4 ft.
Average Days from Seed to Harvest:

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